Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan (right) and Hussein Ali Mwinyi who have been endorsed by CCM for the Union and Zanzibar presidential elections, respectively. (Photo: X/CCM)

Tanzania’s ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), has officially endorsed President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Zanzibar President Hussein Ali Mwinyi as its candidates for the Union and Zanzibar presidential elections, respectively.

The decision was made on Sunday during the CCM National Congress held in Dodoma, Tanzania’s capital. Delegates overwhelmingly supported the resolution, which was recommended by former President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, who served as head of state from 2005 to 2015.

Kikwete’s address received rapturous applause from the delegates, who enthusiastically rallied behind Samia and Mwinyi.

“If we want to decide today that Samia is our candidate and Mwinyi is our candidate, we have the authority to do so,” Kikwete declared, prompting yet another round of cheers.

Despite the overwhelming support, Kikwete urged the party to ensure that the nomination process adheres to legal and constitutional requirements.

During the Congress, President Samia announced that Vice President Philip Mpango had submitted his resignation and would not seek re-election. However, Mpango will continue serving as vice president until the general elections scheduled for October 2025.

Samia also revealed her running mate for the upcoming elections—CCM Secretary-General Emmanuel Nchimbi. This announcement marked a significant shift in the party’s leadership strategy as it gears up for the elections.

President Samia, Tanzania’s first female head of state, is seeking re-election following her leadership since 2021. She initially assumed office after the death of former President John Pombe Magufuli and has since focused on political reforms and national development.

The CCM’s endorsement solidifies the party’s direction for the upcoming elections, which will also include the selection of members of the National Assembly.

Tanzania’s general elections, slated for October 2025, are expected to be a closely watched event as the country evaluates the leadership of CCM and the policies of its candidates.